Un proyecto grande que tenemos en el sitio estos días es la creación de mucho abono que les proporcionará jardineros con tierra fértil para cultivar sus productos. Comenzamos nuestro "plan de abono" casi inmediatamente después de que se finalizo el acuerdo de uso de la tierra (05 de abril) porque sabíamos que este proyecto de abono iba durar much tiempo. El abono generalmente toma alrededor de seis meses para alcanzar su máximo potencial... Así que trabajando en la preparación del abono antes de que el jardín este abierto al público es un deber! A proincipios de este mes el equipo de HdV y muchos voluntarios construyeron una estructura de abono en el sitio y desde entonces han estado "trabajando" la pila de abono casi todos los días para asegurarse de que se mezcla correctamente, girar, y tenga suficiente tiempo para calentarse en el sol.
En HdV hemos sido muy afortunados en recibir un gran apoyo de lod mercados locales y otros negocios con nuestros esfuerzos
One of the major projects we have going on at the site these days is creating a massive heap of compost that will provide gardeners with fertile soil to grow their produce. We started our "compost plan" almost immediately after the land use agreement was finalized (April 5th) in order to get going on this timely project. Compost generally will take about six months to reach its full potential... so working on preparing the compost before the garden is open to the public is a must! Earlier this month the HdV crew and many volunteers built a compost structure on the site and have since been "working" the compost heap almost daily to ensure that it is mixed and rotated properly while given ample time to bake in the sun.
At HdV we have been extremely fortunate in receiving support from local grocery markets and other businesses with our composting efforts. Keeping our compost organic is a must for HdV so we pack our compost with tons of fruit, vegetables, woodchips, and spent grains that businesses such as Brog Produce, Carniceria del Valle 909- 984-5056, Claremont Craft Ales, Inland Empire Regional Compost Authority, La Verne Brewing Co., and California Arbor Care have generously donated for our cause. As we continue our composting efforts we are reminded that compost is essentially the base of all things that will grow in the garden and therefore would like to send HUGE THANKS to all the businesses and volunteers who have helped with this mega project.
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