Saturday, December 8, 2012

Soil Samples!

Arthur and Shannon went digging for soil samples a few weeks ago.  We divided the garden into Plot A and Plot B and took about 25 samples from each.  These samples went into a conglomerated "Plot A" and "Plot B" bin, respectively.  We also took individual soil samples from each of these 25 locations and stored them in plastic bags.  Right now, the two conglomerated bins are getting tested for contaminants.  If it turns out that the soil is contaminated with whatever materials (metals, chemicals, etc.), we will be able to test each of the 25 individual samples to pinpoint the contamination and act accordingly.  However, we don't really expect to find contamination.  Once we get the (hopefully clean) results back, we will be that much closer to getting work started in Huerta del Valle!

Arturo y Shannon fueron a cavar muestras de tierra hace unas semanas. Dividimos el jardín en dos terrenos-A y B-y tomamos acerca de 25 muestras de cada uno. Parte de estas muestras se mezclaron en un contenedor "Terreno A" y otro "Terreno B", respectivamente. También metimos partes de las muestras en bolsitas individuas y las guardamos. En este momento, se esta analizando las muestras mezcladas para determinar si se encuentran contaminantes. ¡Ya que recibamos los resultados (limpios, con suerte), estaremos un paso mas cerca a poder trabajar en la Huerta del Valle! 

Shannon digging for samples.
Shannon, cavando para las muestras

Where samples come from...
De aquí salen las muestras...

The conglomerated samples from Plot A (light blue bin) and Plot B (darker blue bin).
Las muestras mezcladas de Terreno A (contenedor azul claro) y Terreno B (azul mas oscuro)

The individual samples!
¡Las muestras individuas!

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